Here's My Flower
- from Mary M
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- Middletown High School South
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I am watching
The cars pull up
To the spots
Where they must park
The day is dreary
Almost ending
Darker now
Than the day before
There was singing
Those old
Forgotten tunes
But now
There’s silence
And shaking hands
Eyes are looking down
It’s much colder
And the ground
Is muddy from
The rain we had this morning
I’m in grey
Because they
Said black
Was “too depressing”
My shoes are soaked
And the wind is
Nipping but I’ll
Ignore that for now
Now we’re walking
And there’s flowers
We each get one
To hold for a bit
There’s a hole
In the ground
And I suppose
That’s where he will rest
It’s been a week
But it was chaos
With books and
Phone calls and dinner plans
It was fear when I
Sang the shakey
Hymnal at the mass
Not a day before
And it was laughter
When we told
His stories over
Lunch at my aunt’s house
But now it’s
Cold and
Now it’s sad
Because he is in that box
You’d think
I’d be used to saying
Goodbye, for
I have been all this week
But now it’s real
And this is it
They’re lowering
Him into the ground
All the things
I wish I’d said
And it is all
Too much
My aunt told me
I was sensitive
Because I had cried
Through out the mass
But if sensitive means
I’ll remember
Him better
I will take sensitive any day
So here’s my flower
And here’s my heart
Because heaven
Has Gained an angel.