Sundrop: An Original Poem
- from Haylee Yocum
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- Juniata High School
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After lots of delay, I’m excited to share one of my poems with the world. It’s called "Sundrop," and I’ll admit that I wrote this with a certain situation and person in mind; however, it’s fun to let everyone else wonder who it’s about, so I won’t mention any names. I am also very proud to say that "Sundrop" has recently won a Silver Key in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, putting me in the ranks of famous writers such as Stephen King.
by Haylee Yocum
The sun drips down from the sky
Heavy, hot, suffocating,
over my hair,
Over my nose, my arms
to pool at my feet.
And I know the sun
Is supposed to be
The driving force of all life
But it’s you
I can’t breathe without.
And I know that it’s crazy
To place my happiness
Into the hands of a single soul,
Especially one that can’t even
Be bothered to acknowledge me
And I know that a friendship
Needs to be mutual.
Is not what I’m looking for;
I’m in search of a love
And I know that love
Isn’t supposed to find me
At this young of an age
But I have always believed
That time was merely a concept
And I know that
Just because we know something
Doesn’t mean we believe it
Doesn’t mean we have to accept it
Just like the sunshine
Doesn’t always agree
To stay in the sky.