Hour of Code Week!
- from Daniel Iacobacci
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- Newfield High School
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Each year, during the National Week of Computer Science (December 4-10 2017), Newfield's Math Classes flock to the school's computer labs to participate in Code.org's Hour of Code. This opportunity allows students, of any skill or grade level, to be introduced into a rapidly growing field. Both students and staff love it, as there are so many programs to try, from Frozen to Minecraft, and from beginner to advanced.
This is now Newfield's third year participating in the Hour of Code Week, and Newfield looks forward to participating in this event for years to come, as Code.org and the curriculum will adapt to the ever-changing Computer Science field.
Special Thanks to everyone involved, including Ms. Lewkowicz for organizing the event, The Math Department for participating, and to the Building Administrators and all other faculty and staff who made the week possible!