Fusfoo News: October 9th
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Pence Walks Out
The NFL controversy over kneeling during the national anthem took another turn this weekend as Vice President Mike Pence walked out of an 49ers-Colts game in Indianapolis because of protest. Pence tweeted shortly after his walkout, "I stand with @POTUS Trump, I stand with our soldiers, and I will always stand for our Flag and our National Anthem."
Many feel that the Vice President's actions were a premeditated PR stunt which seemed to be confirmed by the fact that the pool of reporters that travel with the vice president had been told to stay outside the stadium and that Pence might leave the game early.
Read more here.
Special Sauce?
Chicken nugget fans were not happy after the "McDonald's Szechuan Sauce Fail of 2017". The season 3 premiere of the Comedy Central show Rick and Morty featured a side joke based on the return of a temporary McNuggets Szechuan sauce that was a tie-in to the 1998 animated film Mulan. The show's fans lobbied McDs on social media begging for the sauce's return. The fast-food chain agreed to bring the sauce back but in limited quantities (20 or less) made available at specific times last Saturday in a few select McDonald's across the country. Crowds of expectant fans gathered only to learn that there was not enough sauce to go around, causing police to be called at numerous locations. Lesson learned? Probably not.
Learn more here.
Blade Runner 2049 Hits a Wall
The sequel to the 1982 sci-fi classic Blade Runner proved to be a box office disappointment bringing in an estimated $31.5 million during its opening in North America. The movie, starring Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford, was projected to make at least $50 million, which would have helped defray it's $150 million budget. Producers are hoping that the lack of October film openings will help the film build momentum. We highly recommend the film and the original if you get the chance--IMAX 2D if you can!
Read about it here.