Cell Phones Cause Distactions
- from Elizabeth Grant
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- Wellsboro Area High School
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People are constantly asking themselves, what are my goals? What do I want to achieve in life? How can I figure out all of my dilemmas with this busy schedule that consumes all of my time and effort? People think they do not have any free time in their lives to do anything besides their job or their schoolwork. I understand that in some cases, that is the existent issue. However, for most teenagers, they can make a simple change that could eternally affect their lives. The Pew Research Center said, “Aided by the convenience and constant access provided by mobile devices, especially smartphones, 92% of teens report going online daily — including 24% who say they go online ‘almost constantly,’ according to a new study from Pew Research Center. More than half (56%) of teens — defined in this report as those ages 13 to 17 — go online several times a day, and 12% report once-a-day use. Just 6% of teens report going online weekly, and 2% go online less often.” Just imagine if all of the teenagers around the world, and adults too, put down their cell phones for just a day. Imagine that everyone just stopped using one. People would have so much time for themselves and they would be in much better shape physically and mentally.
Phones are a constant distraction from many things involving, school, jobs and just your life in general. Imagine you are in a car in the passenger seat and your friend is driving down a road of infinite beautiful scenery, but you are on your phone. You cannot take your eyes off your phone because you are anxious about something you saw on social media earlier that day. While caught up in your phone, you are stressed and missing the world around you. Meanwhile, you don’t even know it. Now imagine a different scenario where you are driving down the same infinite gorgeous road in the passenger seat of your friend’s car. You saw something on social media earlier that upset you. However, in this particular scenario, you decided to ignore it and put none of your energy towards it, so you left your phone back at your house. You get bored in the car and stare off out the window. You see trees, animals, and flowers of all kinds. You wonder what it would be like to run out there with the animals, while you pick the pretty flowers off the ground.
These two scenarios are completely different from just one simple change. The vast beautiful world is out there waiting for us to explore it. The Earth is waiting for our journeys. It is waiting for our explorations. All we need to do is put down our cell phones and go outside to experience nature and all of its magical qualities. Are you ready to experience the miraculous world and everything in it? Because it is out there… waiting for you.