Movies or Books?
- from Brooke Lindsay
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- First Love Christian Academy
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Many books that are written now a days have a movie to go with them. Generally, you normally hear people talking about how they found the book more interesting than the movie; however, that is not always the case. If you are anything like me, this is a statement you can agree with. For instance, you read a book before you have seen the movie about it or vice versa; you would have more than likely fallen in love with whatever it was you came into contact with first. The opinion I have to point out about the stereotyping given towards people who have a vast opinion on the story from the viewpoint of a book on it and the movie on it shows the type of personality someone has.
Imagine yourself looking at a classroom full of students; you always have your, "try-hard," and your, "non- motivated". Everyone else in the classroom falls somewhere in the middle of these two personalities. When the teacher has given you the assignment to do a project on a book , the try-hard" is going to read the book and study it. On the other hand, the "non-motivated" is going to watch the movie on it. When the teacher is correcting these assignments, they are going to give the higher grade to the student who read the book because a book contains more information than a movie does. This is where people get the idea that the book is the best. Since the book contains more information than the movie ever could, the person reading the book is playing out each scene that they are reading about in their imagination. This shows you that the person who can read the book is usually more creative than the one who does not. This shows that the personality of the person who watches the movie rather than reads the book, has little imagination. This doesn't mean the person has something wrong with them, this just means that some are more intellectually minded than others; you are always able to change who you are, and open up your mind to bigger and better things. All you have to do is open a book.