Dead People You Should Know: Steve Jobs
- from Tucson C
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- Montrose Area High School
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Born: Steve Jobs
D.O.B.: February 24th, 1955
Death: October 5th, 2011
Cause of Death: Pancreatic Cancer
Spouse: Laurene Powell
Quote: "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."
Steve Jobs was one of the biggest tech leaders in the modern world, and pioneered the tech market. His impact on the way average people do things, as well as the impact he had on the free market makes him one of the most important people of his generation. Steve Jobs was born biologically to Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali, but was put up for adoption and taken in by Clara and Paul Jobs. Jobs, as a child was imaginative, smart, and loved to tinker. In his youth, he experimented with electronics in his father's garage, which would just so happen to be in the same area in which Silicon Valley, a community of developers of technology, would emerge. Jobs was a gifted student in school, having the option to move forward with his schooling at an accelerated rate; his parents declined.
Later in his high school career, Jobs met with Steve Wozniak, the man who he would eventually create the tech conglomerate Apple with, and they became friends over electronics and digital chips. The duo sold their most personal belongings to fund the venture of the Apple I, the first Apple computer, which grossed them around $774,000 with individual computers going for $666.66. The following installations in the Apple computer line cemented the company as a computer producing giant, but not without its mistakes. Apple suffered as a company during the 80s, and John Sculley believed it was Jobs' fault. Jobs eventually left Apple to create NeXT, which most notably created Pixar Animation studios. The company eventually failed, however, and Jobs decided to go back to Apple and help reinvigorate the company.
Later innovations credited to Jobs helped the Apple brand fight back against IBM, and the company saw insane profit margins. Jobs discovered that he had Pancreatic Cancer in 2003, but still worked with the company. On October 5th, 2011, after creating many iconic brands and pioneering new technology, he died in Palo Alto.