FFA Greenhouse Sale
- from Jackie Heidenreich
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- Juniata High School
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Juniata's Plant Science students have been busy since January 11th caring for and managing the Ag Shop's greenhouse, and the fruits (and flowers) of their labor are almost ready for purchase. Here are the details you to need to know:
Sale Dates
May 2nd, 8th, and 10th from 2:30 to 5pm
May 12th (Friday) from 10am to 5pm
May 16th & 17th (if needed) from 2:30 to 5pm
Juniata High School Greenhouse, Mifflintown, PA
Located behind Tuscarora Junior High School and below the JHS football field
All proceeds benefit the Juniata Agriculture Department and Juniata FFA
Products Available
Bedding Plants, hanging baskets, and flower pots will be on sale just in time for Mother's Day!
Hanging Baskets-8" pots - $12
Planters - $15
6 cell petunias, coleus, zinnia and vegetable plants - $1.50
Geraniums (various colors) - $2.00
All 3" pots - $1.50 (New Guinea Impatiens, Vinca vine, spikes, Black-eyed Susan vine, Calibrachoa (mini bells), tuber Begonias, Citronella plant, Wandering Jew, and so much more)
Watch the video above to see a preview of what's available!