Juniata County Hosts First Annual Junior High Honors Band
- from Paige Smith
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- East Juniata High School
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Seventh, eighth, and ninth graders from East Juniata High School, Juniata High School, and Tuscarora Junior High
School participated in an all-day Honors Band Festival held at Juniata High School on Friday, March 31. Students were selected to attend the Honors Band in February, and were given music to begin practicing. The day was long and tiresome, but also very enjoyable for the young musicians, who were excused from their normal day of classes for the event, and practiced instead. They rehearsed six pieces of music, and at the end of their hard work, there was a concert performed in the Juniata High School auditorium at 7:30. Those attending gave the band a standing ovation and were rewarded with an encore presentation of a portion of John Philip Sousa's "Stars and Stripes
Forever," which had been the final selection on the evening's program.
The Honors Band concert was the first of its kind to be held in Juniata County, although it had been in the works for quite some time. The directors from the three schools (Mr. Kevin Milliken from East Juniata, Mr. Brad Eargle from Juniata, and Mr. Aaron Himes from Tuscarora Junior High) came together to make this event possible. The end result of this joint Honors Band was melodious and beautiful, and it is something the directors hope to continue as an annual occurrence in Juniata County.