Forgotten Treasures: Board Games
- from Knolton Stillerman
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- Wellsboro Area High School
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To start, let me declare that board games have been around for a while. We all know this fact and we do not give it much more attention than that. In a world that seems as though it is ruled by social media and technology, these outdated play things are of the past to us. That is why this article is being written. To bring some life into something most people consider an artifact as well as to offer why they should be reintroduced.
We often associate board games to be just something our parents played. One of the biggest misunderstood concepts these relics hold is the power to unite people. This can be as small as just a family setting or as big as a national event. Within the family setting parents might be able to bond better with their children. This can be due to multiple reasons. Maybe you just talk and goof off the entire time. This is definitely something you will look back upon and smile. Maybe it is the aspect of a parent teaching their child how to play and bonding in that unique way. Overall, it should bring only joy for the occasion. In a larger event, you learn to play against others and be a good sport about it all. This is vital for young people because there are many instances where we either win or lose. While the sportsmanship may be enough for some people, maybe it’s the aspect of meeting new people. The fact that these board games can do all this good is astounding. They truly are a treasure that needs to make a come back.
This is not all that board games can bring to the table. Some games are created to help keen the mind in on certain strategies or quick thinking. Maybe the game does not out and say it but most games require either skill or strategy to win. These two features have the possibility to help young minds. However, it may take time to learn rules and such, they really can help someone become better in math contexts or real life problem solving. Quicker thinking can have very admirable results. These results can lead to a better outlook on life simply because you find it easier to deal with the hardships that it brings. Some games allow the players to make their own decisions. In these types of games the players are taught to look and see what their actions could result in. Not only that but they will have to make their decisions a little more quickly. These can easily be applied to life as well. Here people that participate in these sorts of games can be found to weigh their options more carefully and cut down on their indecisiveness.
Board games are one of the most precious forgotten items in this generation. They have an ability that very few objects have. The power to unite families to completely different genres of people is incredible. It only makes the idea better when it can also teach you valuable lessons that are easily applied to life. There is an entire world out there to explore when it comes to board games and there is a type for every single person.