Three Foods/Drinks Discovered by Mistake
- from Isaac Bechtel
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- Wellsboro Area High School
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Think of some of your favorite foods, foods that you eat almost every day or even some of the foods that you only eat when you are a little hungry, foods that you just snack on until it’s time to eat a big meal. Now fill your head with a bunch of different foods, they could be anything from a medium rare steak down to a chocolate chip. Okay, now I bet you that one of those foods that you are thinking of were made accidentally. That’s right; some of your favorite foods were not made on purpose and were an utter mistake. Now, the only thing I have not went over yet is, “What are these foods?”
One probably doesn't not think about accidental successes. First notable discovery, which almost everyone likes, are the Chocolate Chip cookies. That’s right, chocolate chip cookies were accidentally discovered by a women named, Ruth Wakefield. As she was baking chocolate cookies she ran out of baking chocolate, so she broke up a chocolate bar and supposed that the chocolate would melt and spread out to cause chocolate cookies, but instead we got the Chocolate Chip cookies.
Okay it is going to be hard to beat chocolate chip cookies, am I right? But how about something that most of us eat a lot and some of us every day? Potato Chips. One day a Chef named George Crum, was baking at his restaurant when he had a customer that did not like his potatoes cut very thick. He kept sending the potatoes back, so finally Crum had enough and he sliced the potatoes as thin as he could, then he fried and salted them, and thus the Potato Chips were born.
Finally, anyone over twenty-one will appreciate this accident. Can you guess what it might be? That’s right, beer. The Mesopotamians, which is the oldest known culture known, and is located over by Iraq, were storing their grains for future use. When they did this, some moisture arose, and which caused the grains to ferment. For all of you out there that are over twenty-one, you should thank the one brave Mesopotamian that tasted the beverage that gave rise to the beverage beer.
Now, I have only mentioned three of the nearly hundreds of accidental foods/drinks. But, I can guarantee at one point in your lifetime you have either eaten, or drank one of these foods or beverages. And maybe, just maybe I mentioned one of the foods that you were thinking of as I was asking questions at the beginning of this article. There are many, many more foods out there that were made accidentally, but these are what I believe the most famous three foods/drinks that were an accidental creation.