My experience at Girl Scout Camp.

When I  was little I was a Girl Scout. Honestly, I'd still be a Girl Scout if there was a troop for girls my age that fit within my schedule. Anyway, when I was little I would go to this week long summer camp for Girl Scouts and it was the best thing ever. We would do crafts and boat and work on self empowerment. Sometimes though there would be girls that weren't exactly "into that". Like one year I was in a cabin full of girls who only wanted to twerk and set things on fire. That was a fun year lol. Then there was the year where we explored the founder of the camps house at like 1 o'clock in the morning. If that wasn't creepy enough, when we went up stairs we found 6 closets in the attic. Most of the closets were empty except for one which had a smaller door in the back. We were about to open it when one of the girls screams so the rest of scream and we all run downstairs. We never found out what was in that closet and now someone actually lives there so. But the most fun year was probably the year that I got punched in the face playing Gaga ball. Gaga ball is this game where you and a bunch of other girls stand in a pit and a ball is put in the middle to be hit around. If the ball hit your feet or legs you're out. I was in the pit and the ball rolls over to the right of me and one of the girls was so excited to get the ball that she moved her hand so fast to it that she punched me dead in  the face. I dislocated my jaw bone but it was ok because I got ice cream for dinner that day. That same week a bunch of the girls that went sail boating got caught up in the waves and their boats started to sink. They had to send the motor boat to get the girls but the motorboat started to sink as well. They ended up not being to get two girls, who had to swim all the way to other side of this giant lake (one of the finger lakes). They were rescued at an electrical company on the other side it was crazy. This whole time me and the other girls had to stay inside the big log cabin to watch Finding Nemo and make friendship bracelets for hours until they got all the girls back. The whole time we were worried that someone was dead and we were all like "But if someone dies that means we'll be sent home and we haven't even gotten around to doing archery yet!". Ya, that was a pretty fun week.

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