How Can We Improve the World
- from Shamia W
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- Harry S. Truman High School
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Earth is home to 7.125 billion people, 1.9 million animal and plant species, and 3 trillion trees. Did you know that each year 6 billion trees are cut down, and every 24 hours, 200 animal, plant, and insect species become extinct? In the U.S alone, we use 24% of the world’s energy. Out of the 7.125 billion people we have on Earth, 2.9 billion people do not have access to adequate sanitation, 795 million people suffer from starvation, 783 million people do not have access to clean water, and 70 million children will not receive an education in their lifetime. It’s our responsibility to take care of Earth and everyone that lives here.
As people I think that we let differences like class, race and political ideology separate us and we forget that we are all human. We all live on this planet, so we might as well take care of it and the people in it. Sometimes we get this thought that our contribution doesn’t matter because we are just one person, but if your contribution helped one person or saved one tree, then you’re making a difference. It all starts with one.
What can you do to help save the Earth? You can start by going green. Reduce, reuse and recycle. How do we help the people around you? You can start by donating nonperishable foods, tutor, or ride your bike instead of using your car. How can we help other people in different countries? You can donate to charities, volunteer and even raise awareness. Rihanna said,“We're all human. And we all just want a chance: a chance at life, a chance in education, a chance at a future.” With everyone’s help we can make the world a better place.