Dear Vic(ky)
- from Veronica Sheriff
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- Shanksville-Stonycreek High School
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Dear Vic(ky),
As the year draws closer to ending, I as a senior can’t help but worry about college. It’s not that I’m ready to leave, because I am, it’s just that the whole college process is really stressful. There’s all the researching majors, colleges that have that major, if they have all the extracurriculars you want, and good graduation rates. Then after you decide all that you have all the paperwork required for applications, financial aid, scholarships, etc, all before the deadline. After that there’s the waiting to see if you get in, then if you can afford it, all before yet another deadline! I used to think I had it all decided, but now I don't know. I'm not even sure if I want to go anymore. The stress is getting so bad I’m losing sleep at night. What would you do to help this situations?
College Panic
Dear College Panic,
When I reflect back on my college process, I remember being able to relate to your situation. I found it very helpful to reach out and receive help from people who have done it already. They can provide and insight on what you may be missing. Another piece of advice is making a checklist. Organization is always a good method to get things done, and get them done on time. I recently purchased a small planner to keep everything on my schedule organized and it has helped a ton. Lastly, it’s okay to not know. The world is filled with people who don’t know what they want to do yet, many older than you. Try to take each day as it is. If someone tells you that you need to know what you're going to do for the rest of your live at the age of 18, tell yourself otherwise because you don’t. Get to know yourself, explore new things, finds new interests, everything will fall into place.
Dear Vic(ky),
I want to be a student that gets straight A’s. I’ve never had good grades, but I think finally want to. However, I don’t want to put in all the time it takes to study because I like have a life and stuff. I think everytime I get a bad grade, that if I complain enough and ask for some extra-credit I might be able to get it from some of my teachers. Do you have any advice on how to get good grades without studying? Thanks!
Dear Apathetic,
In my honest opinion, I feel that if you don’t put in the work that earns good grades you don’t deserve them. Nor should you complain and ask for extra-credit if you didn't study. That is in no way your teachers’ fault, it’s yours. If you want to be a good student, you have to put in the work. Life won’t be served to you on a golden platter, you have to be motivated and strive to be better. I don’t know what your plans are for after high school but this behavior will not fly in college. You need to apply yourself.
Dear Vic(ky)
I go to a very small highschool, so the pool of friends is really limited. I hangout with this one group of girls, but they aren’t the nicest group. They are very judgmental about everything and pick on the less “popular” people in my grade. I’ve tried to stand up for who they pick on and defend them but the lead girl makes my life miserable until I apologize to her for standing up for those put down. They are the stereotypical clique like you’d see in a movie about middle/high school. Quite honestly, I don’t think I even like them as people anymore. Please tell me you have advice for a girl who wants out of this group but doesn't want to cause drama!
Popularity Departure
Dear Popularity Departure,
I send my apologies to you for having to handle this situation. It is clear that you are far more mature than those girls, and i applaud you for being the good. I’m sure those who they pick on really appreciate you standing up for them. As to address the issue on leaving the group, I suggest slowly distancing yourself, gravitate to another group or individual that has the same moral values as yourself. If the clique questions or picks on you for gravitating, just ignore them. They will stop. Odds are they are doing it to get a reaction out of you. Always remember this is just middle/high school and all of the petty drama they are trying to make literally will not matter one day after graduation. I hope it all turns out well for you.
Dear Vic(ky)
I’m in love with this girl at my school. We have always been friends and I never thought of her as more than a friend until we started texting each other. At first it was just the occasional hey and just small talk, but now we text everyday and have full conversations with each other. Is there any chance she has feelings for me? I mean we text a lot now and I feel that we have really connected these past couple weeks, but I’m really scared to open up to her and then get turned down. What should I do to tell her my feelings?
Fallen in Love
Dear Fallen in Love,
It sounds like you are head over heals for this girl, which isn’t a bad thing at all. Everyone has a crush in high school, and fantasizes about having the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend. What I would do first is get to know her on another level. Talking to her in person would be the next step to seeing how she feels about you.Then if you have the guts to, take her out on a date to a movie or something and see how she responds and if she wants to go on a second date. Texting isn’t really the best way to get to know someone, because they can’t really show emotion through a text message, like a one-on-one in person conversation can. If you really do love this girl you would do all that you could to express your true feelings to her. In the end, if she doesn’t feel the same way, don’t get discouraged, maybe things weren’t meant to work out for the both of you.