Fusfoo Five: Tech (Wooly Mammoth)
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A real-life Jurassic Park would be fascinating for scientists and laymen alike, although it wouldn’t be of much long-term use if the planet that hosts it is dying. Unfortunately, there are still a stubborn few who deny climate change (we won’t name any names), though nearly every major scientist in the world agrees it’s not only happening, but speeding up exponentially. Harvard Professor George Church says that a successful Mammoth de-extinction could help battle climate change, explaining that Wooly Mammoths could “keep the tundra from thawing by punching through snow and allowing cold air to come in.” And if tundra permafrost melt decreases, so do the amount of greenhouse gases the melt releases into the atmosphere. In like, each successive species de-extinction would carry with it its own specific climate benefits.
Discovery Channel Presents: Earth Under Water
#De-Extinction #CurbGlobalWarming #EarthIsWorthIt
The Asian Elephant, the last remaining member of the genus Elephas, is a beautiful species under great duress due to poaching, degradation, and habitat loss. To date, our attempts to preserve the species haven’t yielded much success. Those kept in captivity tend to die at a younger age than their wild counterparts, as well as display a lower birth and higher death rate. Breeding an Asian Elephant with Wooly Mammoth traits is not only the perfect way to learn more about the latter, but also increase the former’s dwindling numbers. The Mammoth was a much more resilient species than the Elephant, having developed traits to survive the last ice age such as smaller ears, thick hair and extended tusks. Swapping applicable genes could potentially allow endangered animals like the Elephant to live in non-native environments.
Earth Focus: Asian Elephants in Peril
#De-Extinction #EndangeredSpecies #AsianElephant
As of 2017, cattle, chickens, pigs, goats, sheep, dogs, cats, fish, rats and mice have all been genetically modified to an extent, though no earthly species have been fully resurrected from extinction. A successful Mammoth de-extinction will provide a model for future full-scale genetic engineering projects, each of which will have their own unique applications. The possibilities are endless—specific animal and insect species could be used to generate renewable food sources, feed and nourish nature, and even discourage climate change. And because of each species’ unique role within their individual environments, with each new de-extinction development comes more applications. And that’s not all—the wide-scale ramifications of genetic engineering are not only nature-based, but financial and cultural as well, as de-extinctions will inevitably affect multiple worldwide markets.
The Science Behind De-Extinction
#De-Extinction #SpecialSpecies #NatureLove
Accomplishing a de-extinction is a huge accomplishment for mankind, one that will not only provide technical insight into the science of genetic engineering, but also raise public awareness of the field and further generate research and development funding. And genetic engineering is much more than a fun science fiction novelty, it is an invaluable way to aid, sustain and develop our entire species. Advancements in the field will increase our ability to strengthen our own immune systems, eliminate genetic diseases, and maybe someday, recreate specific human beings—at our own risk! We’re well on our way there, seeing that multiple private firms have spent years exploring how to bioengineer children’s sexes and specific physical traits, even ones as finite as hair and eye color. The end goal would be to impart these traits into male sperm, manually fertilize a female egg, and allow for as natural an internal development and birth process as possible.
TED Talks: Human Genetic Engineering
#De-extinction #EngineeringTheFuture #BioBonuses
As scientists further explore the processes of genetic engineering and de-extinction, numerous peripheral insights are bound to appear, especially ones relating to plant and animal evolution. Learning about evolutionary processes provides insight into the natural resources and phenomenon that have aided, hindered, or even completely prevented species evolution. In learning these facts, we gain a clearer picture of what type of natural scenarios we can nurture to facilitate or speed the evolution of endangered plants and animals—in other words, not only can scientists take more effective steps towards saving endangered species, we can begin to help nature help them. And as evolution occurs these species can begin to help themselves, presumably at even greater speeds than those left unaided. In concept, mankind will facilitate evolution.
Introduction to Evolution and Natural Selection
#De-Extinction #EvolvingAsOne #NatureLove