Shanksville High School Chorus Spreads Christmas Cheer

Christmas is known for its music and festive carols, and to the Shanksville-Stonycreek High School Chorus, music is much more than just a song, it’s a way to spread the holiday cheer to those who hear. On December 5th these students showed their christmas spirit and shared their talents of singing with people confined to nursing homes.

Every year the SSSD Chorus travels to three nursing homes in Somerset County, to sing carols and other christmas music with individuals residing there. It has been a tradition that is never to be missed by chorus members.

This year the chorus sang three christmas selections along with two songs sung by the chorus ensemble, which are all songs going to be sung at their Winter Concert. If time permitted after, the chorus concluded with christmas carols that most people know and love.

SSSD Chorus traveled to three different nursing homes to perform, in Somerset County. Those included The Patriot, Siemon’s, and the Heritage. Each visit residents gathered together to hear the beautiful music the young individuals could make through song.

Simply a few holiday selections put huge smiles on faces of people that heard the wonderful music. Some people were even singing along with the christmas carols. Their happiness and enthusiasm was evident, and made the Shanksville Chorus ecstatic, seeing the residents bright faces.

The nursing home caroling trip is always enjoyed by both the students and the folks the chorus performs for, and is always a great way to practice and sing in front of a real crowd before the official Winter Concert.

“It was a lot of fun getting to sing christmas carols with friends, and at the same time we made a lot of people smile and made their day!” Kaitlyn Ferko exclaimed.

The Shanksville Chorus nursing home trip always puts smiles on people’s faces. From performing christmas selections, to singing christmas carols together, the students and the residents all gain holiday cheer from the wonderful christmas music. This trip is always loved by the chorus members, and is a great way to spread the christmas spirit simply through music.

Madison Walker is a Senior at the Shanksville-Stonycreek High School. She is the Student Council President, National Honor Society Vice President, writer for the school newspaper "Viklet",  member of Students Against Destructive Decisions, and Drama Club. Her extracurricular's include baton twirling for the New Centerville Spinnetts, Varsity Girls Soccer, and Track.  

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