How I Can Help the Community

By: Kara Platt

What I plan to do to help our community is collecting food. We can hold a drive where people can bring in canned or any type of non-perishable foods.  After collecting these things we can send them off to a food pantry where people that are hungry and don't have enough money can go and eat.

A school district in Oklahoma teamed up with some other schools and held a food drive. At the end of the week they collected over 12,600 pounds of food and sent it to the Broken Arrow Neighbors food pantry. On Super Bowl Sunday a family held a food drive called the “Soup-er Bowl.” They asked for people to bring cans of so that they could fill a truck.  They collected over 6,000 pounds of soup and fed nearly 4,600 hungry people in the area.  

To accomplish this we need a hall or big area where we can hold the food drive.  We need volunteers to help work it and we need a way to spread the word about the food drive so people know when it is and can attend.  We also need to get in touch with a food pantry so they know we are bringing food.

The community can benefit from this because it can teach people to encourage and involve participants in understanding and addressing hunger issues in the community.  It helps the people who are hungry eat.  It is a great way to work together with other people towards a good cause.

The community needs this done because 49 million Americans struggle to put food on the table for themselves and their family.  1 in 6 people in the United States are facing hunger. Holding a food drive will not only help those who are hungry but it can also help those in the community to understand what is going on around them.

Madison Walker is a Senior at the Shanksville-Stonycreek High School. She is the Student Council President, National Honor Society Vice President, writer for the school newspaper "Viklet",  member of Students Against Destructive Decisions, and Drama Club. Her extracurricular's include baton twirling for the New Centerville Spinnetts, Varsity Girls Soccer, and Track.  

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