Bizarre Christmas Traditions
- from Juliann W
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- Delaware Valley High School
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This time of year is best known for holiday cheer and Christmas spirit found all around the world, but the traditions found in various locations such as Austria and Greece may seem quite bizarre.
Unlike the most commonly known tradition in which jolly old Saint Nicholas and his elves reward well-behaved children, Austria celebrates Santa’s evil companion, Krampus, who focuses on disciplining those who are naughty.
Krampus is celebrated on Dec. 5. It is known as Krampusnacht (Krampus night) in which crowds of young men dress as the creature and parade around the streets of Austria. This tradition is considered by many people, including psychologists, to be terrifying for the children, leading to their consideration of possibly banning the creature.
Another creepy tradition is the one found in Greece. Mythical, goblin-like spirits called Kallikantzaroi are believed to appear around Jan. 6 when they supposedly cause mischief and intimidate people by sneaking in through chimneys.
Krampus and Kallikantzaroi are just the start of the unique Christmas traditions. There are plenty more found all around the world, some that might seem sweet as Santa others as chilling as Krampus.