Newfield Fencing Seizes County Championships - From The Eyes of a Fencer
- from Sadaf Mansib
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- Newfield High School
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After nine months of sitting at home and hoping everyone close to me was safer because
I somehow “chose” to stay home rather than be outside, news of Newfield Fencing
starting reached me just in time. It was right when I was mentally preparing myself to
run Middle Country Winter Track as a distance runner (after the last time I ran was in the
Spring of Freshman year). Indoors, closed air circulation, no way to distance enough to
not wear a mask, COVID itself, my lack of mobility - everything came to haunt me that
first (or was it two?) week of practice, right before the first meet.
As I’m fully virtual, going to school after classes at home was a different sort of
adventure, with my own situation taken into consideration. Nevertheless, it was good to
see that most of last year’s team members were back, save a few who graduated and a
few others who I never heard of this year (hopefully they are well, but I’m not too
confident to attest to that). A few new faces were there, but again, I was strictly trying to
just work as much as I can in the program while it lasted. And it did last, all the way
through to the county championship.
As an average fencer, I didn’t go to most meets. So I didn’t get to experience it like last
year, with all the energetic shouting and battle cries. No audience was allowed, so some
of the parental video recordings were missing as well (luckily, Middle Country recorded
and posted all the home meets in Unlike some of the other teams in our
school, the roster was not cut or anything. Only the starters remain in their place and the
subs (so to speak) were switched based on performance (or maybe some other variable
I’m not sure of). But, with the combined efforts of everyone (yes, everyone), we made
county champions! Yay!!! (on a side note: this Yay is by no means sarcastic. It is a
genuine response to this achievement, which I’m very glad to have seen happen in one
shape or form).
Actually, for real, the season was a great feat. While we heard about how Track is
winning their whole season for the first time (not ever, just in a long time), we were
wiping the floor too. I am careful enough to say that all of this wasn’t entirely because
other schools started their programs later than Newfield, or that we got the better end of
the stick with lesser cases in the teams. It was simply, in my opinion, and shared
experience, because we were bound to. Some of the starters have been fencing for quite
some time and time-aspect aside, some were really good in their own right, may it be
talent or efforts or a combination of both. And that won us the championship.
Although in the end, this article is nothing more or less than my own experience of the
team, it shouldn’t be a basis of understanding how the team operates, what drives it, or
what efforts the fencer put into this victory. Without fact-checking, I think a Newsday
article reports how Newfield Fencing won the County Championship 19 years later after
the last one, where our Coach Schirmer was actually in the team as a fencer. A lot of
other bits and bobs of facts are out there on the internet, and you can always reach out to
the team itself or the coaches to get some solid information. I, myself, am writing this as
a unique closure message for my experience.
If the last year has taught me anything, it’s that life is too short and too precious to be
wasted away. I’m glad Newfield Fencing ran to its fullest this year, or else I might’ve
still been a quarantined shut-in (not that anything is wrong with that. It’s just, sometimes
a waste of time and life). The hard conditioning (comparatively “easier” this year), the
practice bouts where we try to one-up each other in skills or stamina, the plethora of
diversely passionate people gathered for one singular activity... it was great. I had fun. It
was a bit bothersome to bike to school on some snowy and colder days, and even harder
to breathe wearing a mask when I’m usually don’t need one in my at-home schooling,
but it was fun. I’m glad I was there to see and participate in yet another glorious year of
Newfield Fencing. Can’t wait for the next.
Assuming some may still be reading, don’t get discouraged by the conditioning
hardships I talk of. It’s actually fun and easy once you pace yourself and get into the
right mindset. The team welcomes everyone, and I don’t have to fact-check this either. I
know so, and I also know that it has a place for everyone as long as you know how to
push yourself to reach your own goal of excellence. That’s all it is, a bunch of high
schoolers trying to excel at the sport at their own pace amidst all their other life-changing
drives and aspirations. So, in any case, see you there next year, when hopefully things
will be better (as it seems it shall be)!