word of the day
- 85 posts
Word of the Day: Constellate
Team Fusfoo, Fusfoo
con·stel·late: verb (ˈkänstəlāt/) Definition: form or cause to form into a cluster or group; gather together...
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Word of the Day: Ballyhoo
Team Fusfoo, Fusfoo
Word of the Day: Taradiddle
Team Fusfoo, Fusfoo
Word of the Day: Meshuggener
Team Fusfoo, Fusfoo
Word of the Day: Squalid
Team Fusfoo, Fusfoo
Word of the Day: Yitten
Team Fusfoo, Fusfoo
Word of the Day: Mellifluous
Team Fusfoo, Fusfoo
Word of The Day: Nefarious
Team Fusfoo, Fusfoo
Word of the Day: Cascade
Team Fusfoo, Fusfoo